Dedicated staff are working at each level of the school, from Infant through Secondary, to meet the learning needs of individual students.

Our SEN (Special Education Needs) policy states:

  • We value the contribution that each child makes and welcome the diversity of culture, religion and intellectual style.
  • We are committed to offering an inclusive curriculum to ensure the best possible progress for our students’ needs and abilities.
  • We seek to raise the achievement of students, remove barriers to learning and increase physical and curricular access.

All children are valued, and respected as equal members of the school and this includes children with special needs.  Children have special educational needs if they have a learning difficulty which calls for special educational provision to be made for them.   Parents, teachers and management work closely together to determine the needs of all students.  A tiered structure of support and assessment assist us in guiding each student to success academically, socially and emotionally.

In the Secondary School, the SEN department is combined with a Learning Commons.  The Learning Commons is a learning resource center, available for all students to receive assistance with homework, specific topics, remediation and study strategies.

Our Special Education Team:

  • Infant School SENCO – Ms Lisa Mariani
  • Junior School SENCO – Mrs Ama Amponsah Tawiah
  • Secondary School SENCO – Ms Serenity Smith
  • Support Teachers (Junior and Infant Schools)