In our commitment to nurturing well-rounded and future-ready graduates, we emphasize six core attributes essential to the development of GIS students. These attributes serve as pillars, shaping not only academic success but also personal growth and societal contribution. Each year, our entire school community focuses collectively on understanding, displaying, and reflecting upon one of these attributes, ensuring that its significance resonates throughout every facet of our educational journey.
Furthermore, every student is assigned to a house that embodies one specific attribute as its central focus. This intentional structure ensures that from the moment they step into our community, students are immersed in an environment where these attributes are not merely taught but lived and celebrated daily.
Through cultivating the ability to think critically, instilling a sense of social responsibility, fostering international-mindedness, promoting discipline, honing effective communication skills, and encouraging creativity, we aim to paint a comprehensive portrait of our graduates. This portrait reflects individuals equipped with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to thrive in an interconnected world, making meaningful contributions to their communities and embracing challenges with resilience and innovation. These attributes collectively define the essence of our educational mission and underscore our commitment to preparing students for a dynamic and evolving global landscape.

A GIS student demonstrates the use of mental processes involved in reflecting, analyzing, examining, and evaluating information in a manner that results in a rational conclusion.
A GIS student demonstrates empathy, fairness, peaceful coexistence and respect for human life and the environment in the process of becoming a valuable global citizen.

A GIS student demonstrates awareness of self, organizational skills, time management skills and daily habits of study consistent with a successful life learner. A student behaves in a way that is appropriate to enhance teaching and learning.
A GIS student demonstrates flexibility and adaptability in thought and behaviour and is able to produce new and unique ideas while adhering to the provided academic parameters. A student is able to present information in unique and original ways to reveal alternative meanings or possibilities towards solving a problem.

A GIS student is able to confidently, competently and civilly demonstrate effective communication skills in speaking, listening, and writing, including using technology.
A GIS student is willing to embrace and celebrate the cultures and beliefs of others that may be new or different from their own.

A GIS student demonstrates the use of mental processes involved in reflecting, analyzing, examining, and evaluating information in a manner that results in a rational conclusion.

A GIS student demonstrates empathy, fairness, peaceful coexistence and respect for human life and the environment in the process of becoming a valuable global citizen.

A GIS student demonstrates awareness of self, organizational skills, time management skills and daily habits of study consistent with a successful life learner. A student behaves in a way that is appropriate to enhance teaching and learning.

A GIS student demonstrates flexibility and adaptability in thought and behaviour and is able to produce new and unique ideas while adhering to the provided academic parameters. A student is able to present information in unique and original ways to reveal alternative meanings or possibilities towards solving a problem.

A GIS student is able to confidently, competently and civilly demonstrate effective communication skills in speaking, listening, and writing, including using technology.

A GIS student is willing to embrace and celebrate the cultures and beliefs of others that may be new or different from their own.