GIS hosted the first Professional Learning Institute for
ASICS (Association of International Certification Schools of Ghana)
Three of our Teachers, Mr Selase Dzakamani, Ms Grace Hanson and Mrs Angela Van der Puije facilitated an interactive discussion on “Strategies to Increase Student Engagement.”
The objective of the three-hour session was to provide Educators with a platform to enhance their professional skills, gain new insights into teaching methodologies, and explore various ways to improve student learning outcomes.
As a Centre for Educational Excellence, this was a wonderful opportunity for us to give back and make an impact.
The participants found it refreshing and insightful to have open conversations on topics pertaining to the role of AI (Artificial intelligence) in education. Some of the strategies they were equipped with included Powerful Ways to End Lessons, Socratic Circles and Error Analysis, just to name a few. At the end of the entire session, Educators had learned so much and were eager to share their newly acquired knowledge with their various institutions. They were extremely pleased and expressed interest in meeting more often. Go GIS! Let’s continue to make an impact.
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