Today is Rare Diseases Day! It is celebrated every year on February 28th (or February 29th in leap years) to raise awareness about rare diseases in the world. Recently, the Infant School celebrated the day from Wednesday, February 21st to Friday, February 23rd, 2024.
The primary objective of the celebration was to raise awareness about rare diseases and their impact on patients and families. 1 in 20 people will live with a rare disease at some point in their lives. As part of the awareness campaign, pupils came to school dressed in different outfits all week, including athletic wear, twin Care Buddy outfits, black and white plain, striped or polka dot clothes, and even zebra mascot apparel.
The theme for this year’s celebration was “Share Your Colours and Light up for Rare.” A very big thank you to our Infant School community for always making time to educate and show care to our community members and the rest of the world. #RareDiseaseDay #awareness #children #infants #GIS #schools