Our United Nations and National Costume Day was so beautiful, colorful and eventful in every sense. We were honoured to have the Ambassador of the United States of America, Madam Virginia Palmer grace the occasion as our Guest of Honour and Speaker. Our Board Chair, Mr. Kofi Kwakwa as well as our Principal Dr. Mary Ashun featured in style taking turns in making speeches based on the theme of the event. Our awesome and ever-reliable parents provided tons of delicious food from various countries enjoyed by everyone present. A very big thank you to our Management Team, Teachers, Students and Staff for facilitating the success of this event.

Congratulations to all of us as we look forward to our next UN Day event. Celebrating our diversity as a school is always such a joy. Enjoy the photo highlights. #GhaIntSch#UNDay#NationalCostumeDay#GIS#USEmbassy#usembassyaccraU.S. Embassy Ghana