Congratulations GIS, we did it!
By grace, we have given the gift of life to Daniel Nii Ayi Aryee and now he will have his life-saving surgery! A very big thank you to our entire GIS Community, who contributed in diverse ways to make this possible. Every contribution, no matter how small, always goes a long way.
A special thank you to our Infant and Junior School pupils who went the extra mile to create beautiful get well soon, cards, filled with tons of hearty best wishes for Daniel.
To our ever dynamic Secondary School students who organized “Have A Heart Week” to raise funds for Daniel, we say Ayekoo!!! Well done! We could not have done this without each other.
Finally, to The children’s Heart Foundation Ghana, we cherish our partnership and we look forward to many more life-saving opportunities with you.
What a way to kick start this festive season.
Let us continue to make an impact in our communities through diverse acts of kindness.