Nickname(s): JDM, Jess, Jessica, Mahama Paper, My Hammer, Panda, BJ, “Hey Jessie!!”, Eugene, Ti**y man, rsparkle, Homeboy, Jaswinder Pratap Singh, Jesse Graham, Jesse Bourel, Andrew Glouberman

Nationality: Ghanaian 

Favourite Catchphrase/saying: Omdssssss

Favourite Class: F5 French, English and Literature 

Favourite Form: Form 5

Favourite staff member: Madam Batsa, Monsieur Abloso, Mrs Van der Puije, Mr Paul, Mrs Owusu Boateng, Mr Dzakamani

Favourite spot: Bleachers, assembly hall, library, any form room, that french room Monsieur Abloso used to sit in

Most embarrassing moment: *squeaky voice* “PLASTIC, PLASTIC!!”

Four words that describe you: Bubbly, confused, activist, raccoon

Your GIS experience in one word: Yes.

Best GIS memories: Chances 1 & 2, Bread and Khebab, Sports Day Sausage Khebab, Hockey practice, Grease Rehearsals, Sign Language with Oye and Nyame, New Horizons, SENCO times, Post-exam UNO, Fooling in the library, Anything Socio related with Kezia and Cory, French Trip, Hiding from the socio department with Antoinette, Improv acting with Zora, Being Hood girls with Jordan (HOOD GIRLZ FOR LYFE!), Learning JATP choreo with Nana Afia during our free period, All the after school adventures

Where do you think you will be 10 years from now: Alive?

That One person who inspired you during your time at GIS: Mrs Van der Puije

Best lesson GIS taught you: Change shouldn’t be feared, it’s needed for growth

What you want to be remembered for at GIS:

Greatest achievement while at GIS: My French IG results

Best advice while at GIS and who gave it?: Idk, I got here by myself

What you will tell your 13-year-old self knowing what you know now: Keep going, you’re doing great

A song that best describes your entire GIS experience: Meet me at our spot- The Anxiety

Social media/contact information: Idk why u would want to but here: