GIS Junior School was privileged to have Mr. Robert Jones, a Chemical Engineer and Director of Engineering for  Kids (Bronx, New York ) hold a workshop for our Year 5 Pupils.

The objective for organizing this workshop was not only based on his company’s corporate philosophy which is to inspire kids at a young age to understand that engineering is a great career; but for them to appreciate that it is simple and can be so much fun. His aim is to make young pupils excited about Science, Technology and Engineering.

The engineer who is in Ghana on holiday with his son Alexander, led an interactive workshop that had pupils very engaged in designing the fastest straw rocket to travel in a horizontal line.

Mr. Jones offered a hands-on-learning approach through FUN learning activities and observed as pupils were inspired to build on their natural curiosity. The experiment allowed pupils to learn, design, construct and launch their own creations in a healthy competitive environment.

In conclusion, they learnt the basics of rocket flight. Who knows? We just might have the next aerospace engineer right here with us at GIS.