At GIS, Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) is part of learning across the board. It is considered to be the glue that holds the curriculum together. It provides pupils with the opportunity to express ideas appropriately while developing their emotional and social skills.
At a recently organized Infant School assembly, some pupils were honoured for their random acts of kindness. To participate, pupils write down the particular act of kindness with the name of the colleague who has been kind to them on circle shaped purple pieces of paper. Pupils then deliver the handwritten notes to their Infant School Vice-principal (Ms Owu).
To inspire everyone to be kind, the messages are read out at assembly and the children involved are honoured. They are later pasted on a designed kindness vine and displayed for all to see.
It is our hope that over time the PSHE curriculum will support our pupils to develop good character and become ethical, moral, responsible global citizens.
Well done to our super, kindhearted infants for responding to each other with compassion and actions that are selfless. Keep it up!